Services Provided

Developed and certified SPCC Plan for open-pit and underground hard-rock mining operations.

  • Provided ArcGIS mapping solutions for the facility to identify the locations of SPCC-related containers and secondary containment systems.

  • Provided inspection support for quarterly inspections of SPCC-regulated containers.

  • Developed Ecesis® module as a data repository for container management and inspection records.

Development of the SPCC Plan for this facility consisted of a week-long trip for the purposes of inventorying SPCC-regulated containers and gaining a very thorough understanding of the mining and milling processes to detail them in the Plan document. Aquionix staff utilized the Ecesis® SPCC module to build the container inventory and develop an inspection program for the facility moving forward. ArcGIS was utilized to clearly identify SPCC-regulated containers and areas, identify drainage patterns, and demarcate facility-specific structures to supplement the SPCC Plan. 

The facility is currently operating under the SPCC Plan and performing inspections utilizing Ecesis® on a quarterly basis.

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