Services Provided

Prepared facility-specific stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) in accordance with the Nevada General Permit, NVR300000, Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity from Metal Mining Activities.

  • Performed visual facility inspections required under general permit.

  • Prepared and submitted Annual Stormwater Report required under general permit.

Project consisted of the evaluation of the facility applicability under the Nevada General Permit, NVR30000, Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity from Metals Mining Activities. Aquionix personnel performed a reconnaissance visit at the facility to identify potential pollutant sources, outfall locations and associated BMPs in efforts to accurately capture current site conditions for discussion in the SWPPP, development of the stormwater inspection and monitoring program, and development of the site map. 

In addition to developing the SWPPP, Aquionix supported the client in performing the required visual inspections on a quarterly basis. Aquionix also assisted in preparing and submitting the Annual Stormwater Report required by the general permit.  

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